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Invisalign and ClearCorrect: The Differences Are in The Details

September 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearcoastdental @ 4:01 pm
Close up of hand holding two clear aligner trays

Invisalign and ClearCorrect clear aligners certainly look and seem a lot alike. And, well, they are in many ways. At the end of the day, both have impressive success and customer satisfaction rates, and both will effectively shift your teeth into straighter positions. However, there are a few differences in detail that could help you choose one over the other. Keep reading learn what they are!

Aligner Trimline

The “trimline” on a clear aligner tray is the plastic edge that will be closest to your gums when you put them on. As of yet, there doesn’t seem to be a significant difference in treatment outcomes due to the type of trimline used. However, they do impact comfort and convenience, which you might have preferences for. Here’s the basics:

  • Invisalign uses a scalloped trimline. What this means is that the edge is molded to follow the contours of your gumline and stop just below it. Some patients find this more comfortable, but a scalloped design makes the aligner material more flexible.
  • ClearCorrect has a flat trimline. The aligner height is the same across the dental lineup, and extends past the teeth, making contact with the gums. This design can cause discomfort for some patients, but retains their teeth’s new positions more efficiently.

You might prefer Invisalign if you prioritize a comfortable fit. On the other hand, ClearCorrect generally requires fewer attachments because they’re not as flexible, which translates to less time spent in dental office.  

Technology and Accuracy

Invisalign is a product of Align Technology, which has the most industry experience by far. It’s only natural that they would have advanced aligner and fabrication technology to perfect the clear aligner experience. Because of this, they are slightly more accurate when it comes to your trays’ fit and ability to effectively shift your teeth into alignment.

ClearCorrect doesn’t have the same wealth of experience, but they have been making advancements of their own in recent years. For example, like Invisalign, they now have a unique patent for the plastic composition of their trays. As they continue to grow and find their niche in the clear aligner market, they’ll likely continue to make developments that define their brand.

Let’s Talk Money

Speaking of, price is very much a part of these two companies’ branding. Invisalign likes to carry itself as a premium orthodontic treatment solution – justifiably so. You might pay a bit more, but that money definitely goes towards quality and customer experience.

ClearCorrect prefers a solid middle-ground when it comes to costs, which is much appreciated in the current market. You’ll still receive a beautifully straightened smile at the end of your treatment, and likely save money in comparison.

Wrapping It All Up

Overall, patients tend to prefer one company over the other because of personal preferences rather than significant differences in treatment results. If your dentist provides both Invisalign and ClearCorrect aligners, it’s worth meeting with them to discuss the details of your dental situation and which treatment will best suit your needs. In the end there isn’t a “wrong choice”, so you can confidently choose the option that you like most!

About the Practice

Our team at Clear Coast Dental understands that every patient has their own unique set of needs and preferences when it comes to their oral care. That’s why we proudly offer both Invisalign and ClearCorrect as excellent teeth-straightening solutions! If you’d like to know more about what your orthodontic treatment could look like with either of these two clear aligners, give our office a call at 508-997-1030.

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