Dental emergencies have the potential to happen at any time or in any place, even when you’re traveling abroad for work. Sometimes the local fare can be more sugary than you anticipated, which can lead to toothache. Other times the local community has limited access to dental care, meaning you should know where a good dentist is ahead of time. Luckily, there are steps you can take to be prepared for such an occasion. Read on to learn about how you can be ready for a dental emergency while working overseas.
(more…)How Should I Handle a Dental Emergency While Working Overseas?
July 28, 2023
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Keep Your Dentures in Shape with These Good Habits
July 13, 2023
Modern dentures are a comfortable and convincing way to restore your smile, and they require proper care and maintenance to stay in working order. They can warp or stain if they are not cleaned properly, causing discomfort and making them less visually appealing. Bad denture habits can also allow uncontrolled growth of bacteria, threatening the patient’s oral and dental health. Here are a few tips to help you care for your dentures and protect your investment.
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