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Veneers or Lumineers: Which Should You Get?

July 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearcoastdental @ 7:11 am
Before and after of porcelain veneers

If you’ve looked into cosmetic dentistry, you may have heard of porcelain veneers. Dentists often recommend them for their ability to address various dental imperfections. However, you may not know how they stack up against Lumineers. After all, the latter can supposedly do the same sorts of things as veneers. That said, which would be the ideal treatment for your smile? Well, your New Bedford dentist can help you solve that dilemma. Read on to learn the unique strengths and weaknesses of porcelain veneers and Lumineers.


3 Steps for Helping a Chipped Tooth

July 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearcoastdental @ 6:04 pm
A man with a chipped tooth

When and if you chip a tooth, you may feel panicked at first. After all, you’ve suffered a dental injury and likely don’t know its severity. You might fear the damage will ruin your smile or lead to worse problems. Even so, keep in mind that hope isn’t lost. Your chipped tooth can get treated and even restored, given the proper response! Whether that happens, however, will depend on the next steps you take. That said, here are three things you should do right after chipping a tooth.

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