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The Power Behind a Beautiful Smile

November 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearcoastdental @ 9:49 pm

Your smile holds more power than you may realize. Research has shown that a confident smile can have a powerful impact on social and professional life, as well as mental and emotional well-being. Check out what your New Bedford cosmetic dentist has to say about the capability of an attractive smile.


4 Reasons a Tooth Extraction Could Work for You

November 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearcoastdental @ 4:03 pm
Woman in white blouse with her finger to her cheek as she thinks

You take a bite into the sandwich you’ve been daydreaming about all day when a sharp pain shoots through your mouth. That one problematic tooth has been wreaking havoc on your lunchtime for a few weeks now, but you haven’t been able to get to the dentist. Once you are finally able to sit in the chair and get a thorough exam, your dentist goes over a few options that can remedy your pain. While it isn’t usually anyone’s first choice, choosing to get a tooth extraction in New Bedford can have some perks. Below, you will find a list 4 of benefits that come with dental extraction.

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